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Our influencer's motherhood experiences this Mother's Day

Our influencer's motherhood experiences this Mother's Day

This Mother’s Day we’re sharing and celebrating stories from #OneMotherToAnother. Keep reading to find out more about our influencer’s motherhood experiences and what being a mama means to them

Ahead of Mother’s Day on Sunday I’ve been looking back at my experience of motherhood and WOW what a ride! I hope you don’t mind a bit of outpouring from the heart.

Being a disabled mum is something I never expected it to be, both incredible but also in a way, upsetting. I want to be a mum who can do everything for her little girl, and I can’t. I have to rely on help, Zyra has to go to others instead of me and it’s tough! But yet there are so many moments that we have together that mean so much more because of it.

I breastfed for 4 1/2 months, we had to think fast when we got home from hospital & put up a table and pillows to support my arms when I breastfed in bed but it was special because I could do it.

I’ve never got Zyra dressed on my own, changed her nappy, lifted her out of her cot, picked her up when she’s fallen down. It can be so easy to get down about the things I can’t do but Zyra won’t care when she’s older and that’s all that matters. I’ll always be her mum with unconditional love and support, just maybe not in the ‘traditional’ way. So any disabled mums out there, if you’re feeling the way I do then I’m with you and please don’t ever feel like you’re not good enough.

Parenting is constantly evolving.

There are new theories, ideologies and a better understanding of how babies and children learn and develop.

These help guide us as parents to do the best for our children, but it also adds additional pressure.

- Will this decision affect my child in the future?

- Will the way I spoke to my child today when I became overwhelmed affect their mental health?

- Is my child stimulated enough during the day and resting at night?

- Are the toys I buy educating my child?

- Am I, as their parent, enough?

Mum. Mummy. Mama. Mam. Mammy. Papi. Ren.

However you identify and however you became a parent, Mother’s day is to celebrate you.

It doesn’t matter where they nap, if all their toys are aesthetic and wooden, and if they just ate weetabix because they refused anything else.

There are days when all Red wants to do is cuddle and watch her favourite shows.

What adult hasn’t experienced the same craving for a lazy day full of comfort.

As parents we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do and be the best.

We need to focus on, and celebrate, the small wins.

Take it easy this Mother’s Day.

Becoming a Mum for the second time has been different to being a first time Mum.

Second time around, I am more present - simply enjoying those moments that we know don’t last forever.

I worry less - don’t get me wrong, I still worry but not about the same things. I’m not worrying about reaching milestones… I know how time flies & before I know it I will have a toddler running riot & asking me ‘why Mummy’ 253 times a day!

I trust myself so much more - I am trusting my wabbas (as I like to call them 🤪) and I’m not obsessing over how much Adalie weighs. I mean if you’ve seen her cheeks & thighs I definitely don’t think there’s anything to be worrying about

So… from #OneMotherToAnother try and be present, worry less and most importantly TRUST yourself because you are amazing.

Happy Mother's Day from Mamas & Papas xx

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